
  • Professional
  • Projects


Software Developer Intern, CAC

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- Developed and deployed internal tools and applications for external clients including full-stack web applications, android applications, and external APIs

- Refactored deployment processes for legacy applications to implement CI/CD using GitHub Actions and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

- Worked with multiple clients to understand and communicate development expectations as a team

- On-boarded and trained a team of new hires to take over the development and maintenance of multiple web applications

MLH Production Engineering Fellow

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- Develop web applications as a team using GitHub best practices such as PRs, code reviews, and issues

- Deploy Flask web applications through a CentOS VPS

- Develop Bash scripts and commands to streamline deployment processes and manipulate data

- Write Python unit and integration tests and automate them for deployment.

- Containerize applications using Docker and orchestrate the deployment of multiple containers using Docker Compose.

- Implement reverse proxy to limit HTTP request rates to important API endpoints.

- Automate tests and deployment by building a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.

- Monitor and visualize system metrics by integrating Prometheus and Grafana.

Computer Science Tutor

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- Help High school-level students learn the fundamental concepts of the Java programming language

- Review documentation to ensure lesson plans cater to varying Java Platform releases

Queen's Racing Electrical Team Member

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- Analyze PCB designs of electrical components using digital logic fundamentals

- Collaborate with sub-teams to deliver an efficient and powerful race car

- Analyse MatLab SimuLink models and repository documentation to develop torque vectoring tools


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